
About me
I live with my family in southern Germany just a stone's throw from Lake Constance and have nature right on my doorstep.
When I was young, I spent many hours in nature photographing plants and landscapes. At first I was looking for motifs in my surroundings, then later on my travels through Europe and on long-distance trips.
After switching to my first digital camera, I initially tried my hand at wildlife photography between 2016-18. However, I was very unhappy about the results, perhaps because I lacked a lot of background knowledge. So I took evening courses in photography, learned the basics like apertures and their effects, exposure techniques and I attended landscape photography workshops to learn how to do long exposures and use filters.
Photographing nature allows me to not only capture the beauty of the landscape, but also to express my own feelings and feelings, sharpen my senses, develop my creativity and let my imagination run wild.
Not least for this reason, my path to minimalism in landscape photography - now one of my favorite means of expression - was almost set. In a world often characterized by sensory overload and complexity, the minimalist approach allows me to capture the natural beauty of the landscape in a subtle yet powerful way by focusing on what is essential and eliminating distracting elements.
A central help here is the use of filters, because this makes it possible to create negative space and thus highlight an object individually. I use the KASE filter system because the color neutrality and the high-quality filter glass help me a lot to realize my ideas.
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